On 7th and 8th June 2022 MINDtheGEPs organised the first train-the-trainer workshop aimed at strengthening capacities for sustainable change in partner organisations. Around 50 people met in Vigo to discuss basic concepts and tools to promote organisational change, and how “situated knowledge” can support the implementation of Gender Equality Plans (GEPs).
On the first day, work focused on raising awareness of gender equality in research and academia, providing participants with the necessary skills to design, negotiate, implement, and monitor a GEP. This part of the workshop also dealt with resistance to gender equality. The second day of the workshop focused on how “situated knowledge” can support the designing and implementation of gender equality plans. The session aimed to engage participants in a personal and professional capacity, using their own experiences as a starting point to tailor GEPs for their own work environments. Among the speakers at the Workshop, hosted by CTAG – Automotive Technology Centre of Galicia, was Claudia Colonnello (K&I) on the role of monitoring and evaluation in supporting organisational change.
On the first day, work focused on raising awareness of gender equality in research and academia, providing participants with the necessary skills to design, negotiate, implement, and monitor a GEP. This part of the workshop also dealt with resistance to gender equality. The second day of the workshop focused on how “situated knowledge” can support the designing and implementation of gender equality plans. The session aimed to engage participants in a personal and professional capacity, using their own experiences as a starting point to tailor GEPs for their own work environments. Among the speakers at the Workshop, hosted by CTAG – Automotive Technology Centre of Galicia, was Claudia Colonnello (K&I) on the role of monitoring and evaluation in supporting organisational change.