An Open Citizen Meeting on equality and urban democracy was organized in Brussels on November 7th-8th, 2023, by the EGEB, the ULB and CNRS, within the framework of the Fairville project. The event involved citizens, researchers, and professionals to discuss the critical issues raised by the project on urban challenges such as housing deterioration, urban renewal, climate hazards like flooding, waste management, and more. During the works, Alfonso Alfonsi and Maresa Berliri, from K&I, presented the results of Deliverable 1.1. of Fairville, a report which contains a reasoned and annotated repository of resources offering data relevant to the Fairville topics at both the global and the local level. The report included a description of the sources on inequalities and political participation, the kind of data they provide, main interpretations, and emerging trends, both on inequality and on the quality of democracy. It includes also the actual, searchable, repository of all the resources found on the phenomena of inequality and political participation.