Fostering Improved Training Tools for Responsible Research and Innovation (FIT4RRI)
Project funded by the Europen Union’s Horizon 2020 Research and Innovation Programme
Grant Agreement n. 741477
Duration: 36 months
Start date: 01/05/2017
The project is intended to favour the embedment of Responsible Research and Innovation (RRI) and Open Science (OS) practices and approaches among European research organisations. Its main aim is understanding the main obstacles hindering or slowing down the diffusion of RRI and OS and developing new strategies and tools able to effectively addressing them.
The project includes three strands: the analytical, the testing and the proactive strand.
The analytical strand is aimed at developing a comprehensive analysis of the RRI and OS in the European research organisations, with special reference to general trends, barriers, drivers, and experiences conducted in this domain. Specific actions will be also done to understand differences among national contexts and research fields.
In the testing strand, four experiments will be developed in as many research organisations, with the aim of testing some of the outputs of the analytical strand. The experiments will concern different research fields (energy, photonics, material sciences and data mining) and will be organised following a common structure, so as to produce comparable results.
The proactive strand will be focused on the development of practical tools favouring the activation of RRI-oriented institutional changes, leveraging upon the results of the previous strands. On the one side, new training tools will be developed and applied in order to improve the overall quality and impact of the existing training offer on RRI and OS. On the other side, a set of guidelines (Guidelines on the governance setting of RRI) will be drafted and made available on the web, with the aim of provide research organisations with a practical guidance for identifying and implementing a self-tailored and realistic approach to RRI and OS.
The project is carried out by a Consortium of 13 organisations from 9 countries, led by the Sapienza University of Rome.
Knowledge & Innovation is mainly involved in the analytical strand, through the production of an extensive literature review on RRI and OS and the implementation of a benchmarking exercise aimed at identifying effective strategies for embedding RRI and OS in research organisations. Moreover, in the proactive strand, K&I will be also in charge of designing and drafting the Guidelines on the governance setting of RRI.