Fabio Feudo
Fabio Feudo has more than twenty years of experience in the field of sociology and social sciences. At K&I he is mostly involved in the activities related to the identification of new opportunities for research, to the project design, and also to the building of scientific interdisciplinary partnerships, at the national, European and international level.
Moreover, Fabio is currently involved in some research projects concerning responsible research and innovation (RRI), citizen science and energy and climate transition.
Fabio has served as an evaluator of European research programs for the topics related to Socioeconomic Science and Humanities (SSH) and Science with and for Society (SwafS) and took part as a speaker or a consultant in several meetings organised by Directorate Research and Innovation (RTD) on issues such as the relationship between science and society or science and culture. During the Seventh Framework Program (2007-2012), he has been appointed as one of the Italian representatives for the Committee Programme of Science in Society.
In 2012 he took part in the Working Group, set up by the Italian Presidency of the Council of Ministers for the preparation of the Italian contribution to Horizon 2020 from a gender perspective. In 2014 he became a member of the technical group of the Ministerial Committee for the development of scientific and technological culture, with special regard to the University Third Mission
His interests include issues such as socialisation of scientific and technological research, RRI, public engagement in science, citizen science, structural change in scientific organizations, energy and climate transition and the relationship between society and materials. Concerning these same themes, he participated in several scientific conferences and seminars, both in Italy and abroad.
He has participated in the basic research programme carried out by the School of Sociology and Human Sciences since its foundation. More specifically, in the 90s he was engaged in a plurennial program of study and experimentation on the issues of active citizenship and the crisis of the state in Italy and worldwide and, more recently, he has held some lectures on topics related to the European research program.
Among his main publications:
• d’Andrea L., Declich A., Feudo F. (2014), “Hidden societal implications of materials. Updating the awareness on what is at stake”, in Materiaux & Techniques 102, 504
• Rugani, B., Benetto, E., Igos, E., Quinti, G., Declich, A., Feudo, F. (2014), Towards prospective life cycle sustainability analysis: Exploring complementarities between social and environmental life cycle assessments for the case of Luxembourg’s energy system, in Matériaux & Techniques, 102
• Feudo, F. (2009), A New Set of Policies for Socialising European Research, 2009, BEPA Monthly Brief, Issue 31
• Declich, G., Feudo, F. (2006), Misure per sostenere l’innovazione scientifica e tecnologica. Tipologie di intervento pubblico in un contesto di governance in Conoscenza e Innovazione (magazine elettronico), n. 1, Marzo 2006 (magazine elettronico)
• AA.VV, Attualità dei diritti umani (1996), Rosemberg & Sellier