ENergy TRANsitions from Coal and carbon: Effects on Societies (ENTRANCES)
Project funded by the European Union’s Horizon 2020 Research and Innovation Programme
Grant Agreement: 883947
Duration: 36 months
Start date: 1/05/2020
The project official website
Under the influence of globalisation, digitisation, automatization, ageing population, internal migrations, many European regions are experiencing a deep and sometimes painful transformation of their social, economic and cultural life. The clean energy transition, if not properly managed, may become an additional and decisive factor of “deterritorialisation” for those regions that are still heavily dependent on fossil-fuel-based industries or the extraction of fossil fuels themselves, i.e. coal and carbon-intensive regions.
In this framework, the EU H2020 funded ENTRANCES project will investigate the challenges facing carbon-intensive regions in transition hinging on the idea that the transition to clean energy should not be considered only as a technological change or an industrial shift but also a socio-economic-psychological process that affects the daily life of local communities. The project will integrate, in a single research framework and in a cross European study focused on 13 coal and carbon-intensive regions, socio-economic factors, political dynamics and deep territorial transformations linked to the energy transition.
ENTRANCES will take place over a three-year period and it is coordinated by the University of A Coruña, and will be conducted by a consortium of 14 partners from 12 European countries. Within ENTRANCES, besides participating in all the phases of the research, K&I is leading the work for the conceptual specification of the multidimensional analytic framework to be adopted in studying and comparing the 13 coal and carbon-intensive regions in transition involved.