Alessandra Olmi
Alessandra Olmi has participated in the activities of the Istituto di Studi Avanzati di Rocca di Papa and of the Scuola di Sociologia e di scienze umane, in which she followed and contributed to an itinerary of interdisciplinary study related to the relationship between sociology and neurosciences.
In the professional field as a psyco-sociologist on behalf of CERFE, she carried out several activities of research and training in Europe, in the United States and Africa, on issues such as gender, poverty and social exclusion, development programs, migration, water supply and sanitation and hygiene. From the mid 90s to 2000, she has participated in several research activities on the field and cooperation projects, using participatory and interactive methods in both rural and peri-urban contexts in different African countries (Burkina Faso, Cameroon, Ethiopia, Mali, Niger, Mauritania).
She is expert in networking and knowledge management, with a special regard to: the retrieval of documents and scientific information, by using search engines and bibliographic software; international scientific network management; organisation of seminars and conferences; editing and disseminating newsletters; compiling and managing electronic lists, managing e-conferences and discussion forums.
A member of ASDO since its establishment in, 1995 she took part in the UN World Women Conference of Beijing and its follow-up, including several meetings of the UN Commission for the Status of Women.
Since the year 2001 has taken part in several European projects on issues such as on issues such as gender imbalance in economic decision-making, politics and scientific research. Her main roles were related to monitoring activities and technical assistance.
Among her publications:
• Olmi, A. (2003), “Uppsala university on the image of the African continent”, in African Societies, Anno I, n. 4
• Olmi, A. (2003), “The Southern African Media Training Trust (NSJ)”, in African Societies, Anno I, n. 4
• Olmi, A. (2003), “The Griots’ Modern Soul”, in African Societies, Anno I, n. 3
• Olmi, A. (2003), “The Sub-Saharan African universities”, in African Societies, Anno I, n. 3
• Assouman, H.Y, Mezzana, D., Olmi, A. (2003), “Africa’s Denied Modernity”: Interview with the director of PANA Press”, in African Societies, Anno I, n. 1
• Olmi, A. (2002), “Le Nazioni Unite per la Salute”, in Salute e società, Anno 1-3/2002, Milano, Franco Angeli
• Olmi, A. (2001), “Il City Summit delle Nazioni Unite: la comunità internazionale di fronte ad una nuova visione delle politiche urbane”, in Habitat. Processi di rapida urbanizzazione (Atti del Convegno, organizzato dalla Facoltà di Ingegneria dell’Università La Sapienza di Roma e da Ingegneria Senza Frontiere – Roma, 27 novembre 2000)
• Olmi, A. (1999), “Beijing + 5. La condizione femminile nei programmi delle Nazioni Unite”, in Omega, Anno II, n.