Daniele Mezzana
Daniele Mezzana has held management, coordination and teaching positions at the Istituto di Studi Avanzati di Rocca di Papa and the School of Sociology and Human Sciences, specialising primarily in epistemological research and general sociological theory, focusing on the relations between the cognitive and operational aspects of human experience.
In his professional capacity, as a social researcher and educator, he has carried out research (in Europe, Africa, India and Latin America) on themes such as: innovation and relations between science and society, surveillance and privacy, migrations, relations between citizens and law enforcement, environmental risks, energy, active citizenship and relations between the state and citizens, relations between training needs analysis and training planning, social representations and dynamics of communication, assessment of the quality of health services, evaluation of development projects, corporate social responsibility, dynamics of African societies, religions and modernity, dynamics of social exclusion, cognitive aspects in island studies.
He has cooperated with United Nations agencies (UNDP, IOM, WHO, UNESCO and others) or IFIs (World Bank, BafD), the European Union, Italian government bodies (Ministry of Foreign Affairs, Ministry of Health, Ministry of Interior, Lazio Regional Government, Puglia Regional Government) and organizations such as Italian Pensioners’ Union-CGIL, FORMEZ, Italia Lavoro, Bayer, Montedil, Pfizer. He is currently working at the project RESBIOS for the Rome University – Tor Vergata (Biology).
He worked with RAI Radio 3 in the late 1970s and early 1980s. He has edited content for various websites and has been publishing a blog – “Immagine dell’Africa” – since 2004. He was a member of the jury of the 2015 “Filippo Basile Prize”, promoted by the Italian Trainers Association. He has a passion for rock music and for oriental disciplines (shiatsu, Kobido).
His recent publications include:
• Michali M., Kallia T., Mezzana D. and Eleftherakis G. (2021), “Responsible Public Engagement at Territorial Level: Core Dimensions and Means for Implementation”, In Pelegrín Borondo J., Arias Oliva M., Murata K., Lara Palma A.M. (eds), Moving technology ethics at the forefront of society, organizations and governments, ETHICOMP Book Series, 978-84-09-28672-0, pp.347-358, University of La Rioja: dowlonad pdf
• Colizzi V., Mezzana D., Ovseiko P.V., et al. (2019), “Structural Transformation to Attain Responsible BIOSciences (STARBIOS2): Protocol for a Horizon 2020 Funded European Multicenter Project to Promote Responsible Research and Innovation” JMIR Res Protoc 2019;8(3):e11745; DOI: 10.2196/11745; PMID: 30843870; PMCID: 6427101.
• Mezzana, D. and Quinti, G. (2017), Crisis mapping and crowdsourcing in flood management, Mar 2017, Associated Programme on Flood Management.
• Mezzana, D. (2015), “Prove elettroniche: attori, ostacoli e fattori di facilitazione”, in Biasotti M., Epifani M., Turchi F. (a cura di), Trattamento e scambio della prova elettronica in Europa, “Informatica e diritto”, vol XXIV, 1-2.
• Moro, R. e Mezzana, D. (ed.) (2014), Una vita, un Paese. Aldo Moro e l’Italia del Novecento, Soveria Mannelli Rubbettino.
• Mezzana, D. and Krlic, M. (2013), “The current context of surveillance: An overview of some emerging phenomena and policies”, European Journal of Law and Technology, Vol 4, No 2: ejlt.org/article/view/187/380.
• Mezzana, D. (ed.) (2011), Technological responsibility. Guidelines for a shared governance of the processes of socialisation of scientific research and innovation, within an interconnected world, Roma, CNR: www.scienzecittadinanza.org/public/SetDevGuidelines.pdf
• Mezzana, D. (2009) “The Sustainability of Serbian Civil Society Organizations: Evidences and remarks”, Journal of Women’s Entrepreneurship and Education, 1-2.
• Mezzana, D. Quaranta, G. (ed.) (2005), Società africane, Milano, Zelig, 2005.