Gabriele Quinti
Gabriele Quinti has been teaching at the Istituto di Studi Avanzati di Rocca di Papa and the School of Sociology and Human Sciences since its beginning, specialising in epistemology and research methodology. Moreover, for 5 years in he was lector in “international cooperation” at the “Mediterranea” University of Reggio Calabria.
As a socio-economist and statistical methodologist, he has carried out numerous activities (especially in Europe, West and Central Africa, Central America and MERCOSUR), such as studies and research, institutional capacity-building and evaluation, on climate change (more specifically, on energy transtion, and natural hazards management) and on relations between state (in the broad sense) and society in fields like the promotion of good governance, the quality of social services, and migration dynamics. Other areas of interest are related to the STR socialisation and the analysis and promotion of policies for the eradication of poverty and social exclusion.
Professionally, on behalf of some non-profit organizations, including CERFE, he has collaborated in recent years in the implementation of numerous research, training, evaluation and technical assistance projects funded by several United Nations agencies such as UNDP, WMO, WHO, UNOPS, FAO, IFAD, UN-Habitat, ILO, UNV, UN-DESA); international financial institutions such as the World Bank and the Inter American Development Bank (IaDB); international organizations such as the IOM; the European Union; some public bodies, both Italian such as the Ministry of Foreign Affairs, the Ministry of Health and the Ministry of the Interior, and of other countries such as the Ivory Coast Governance Secretariat or the High Commissioner for the Plan of Morocco; some public and private institutions, both Italian and international, such as the Italian-CGIL Pensioners Union, Bayer, MERCK Sharp and Dohme, the CARIPLO Foundation, the Ivory Coast Academy of Sciences and Culture.
• Quinti, G, Declich, A., Signore, P. (2021), «SME’s, energy efficiency, innovation: a reflection on materials and energy transition emerging from a research on SMEs and the practice of Energy Audit », in Matériaux & Techniques,Volume 108, Number 5-6, 2020, «Materials and Society: transitions in society, materials and energy»
• Quinti G., Caiati G., d’Andrea L., (2019), “Energy Transition, Anticipation and Change: A Study on the Anticipatory Experiences of the Low Carbon Society”, in Poli M., Valerio M., Anticipation, agency and complexity, Springer, Cham
• Quinti, G., Mezzana D. (2017), “Crisis mapping and crowdsourcing in flood management”, Integrated flood management tool series, tool n. 26. Associated Program on Flood Management. Available here
• Quinti, G., Rana R. (2017), “Community-based flood managemen”, Integrated flood management tool series, tool n. 4. Associated Program on Flood Management Available here
• Quinti, G. (2016), “Public perception of flood risks and social impact assessment”,Integrated flood management tool series, tool n. 25. Associated Program on Flood Management. Available here
• Quinti G., Caiati G., Gruenig M., O’Donnel B., Amerighi O., Baldissara B. and Felici B., (2016), “European Distributed Renewable Energy Case Studies”, in Lombardi P., Gruning M., Low-carbon Energy Security from a European Perspective, Elsevier AP.
• Pendrill, L.R., Emardson, R., Berglund, B., Gröning, M., Höglund, A., Cancedda, A., Quinti, G., Crenna, F., Rossi, G.B., Drnovsek, J., Gersak, G., Goodman, T., Harris, S., van der Heijden, G., Kallinen, K., Ravaja, N. (2010) Measurement with Persons: A European Network, NCSLI Measure, 5:2, 42-54, DOI: 10.1080/19315775.2010.11721515
• d’Andrea, L., Quaranta, G., Quinti, G. (2005), Manuale sui processi di socializzazione della ricerca scientifica e tecnologica, Roma, CERFE
• Quaranta, G., Quinti, G. (2005), Esclusione sociale e povertà, Roma, CERFE
• Cacace, M., Quinti, G. (2002). La dimensione internazionale del welfare sanitario: convergenze, divergenze e paradossi, in Salute e Società, fasc.3, Milano, Franco Angeli Edizioni
• Quinti, G. (2001), Qualità e politiche sanitarie, Roma, Officina Edizioni
• D’Andrea, L., Quaranta, G., Quinti, G. (2000), Il ritorno della città-la base urbana della globalizazione, Roma, Officina Edizioni
• Quinti, G.(1999), “Exclusión social: el debate teórico y los modelos de medición y evaluación”, en De igual a igual-el desafío del estado antes los nuevos problemas sociales , Buenos Aires
• Quinti, G. (1998), “Exclusion sociale et pauvreté: vers de nouveaux modèles de mesure et d’évaluation”, in Research Community for the Habitat Agenda-Linking research and policy for the sustainability of human settlements – Forum of researchers on human settlement, Geneva
• Feliciani, F., Quinti, G. (1995), Anàlisis de la exclusiòn social a nivel departamental–los casos de Costa Rica, El Salvador y Guatemala, FLACSO
• Quinti, G. (1993), “Organization of participatory and holistic rural development – The Fouta Djallon experience in Guinea” FAO, Rome
• d’Andrea, L., Quinti, G. (1987), Studenti o emigrati, Roma, Officina Edizioni.