Giovanna Murari
From the beginning, Giovanna Murari participated in the activities of the Istituto di Studi Avanzati di Rocca di Papa and the School of Sociology and Human Sciences, where she followed a specific training course, specializing in administrative and fiscal management of European projects.
Over the years, she has gained experience in various areas of management and administration of research projects, evaluation and training, including: budget planning and control for project proposals; preparation of institutional documents and financial statements for participation in competitions, contests, calls for tender; monitoring, supervision and implementation of normal accounting; management control; preparation of financial statements; monitoring and control of the contractual obligations; development of “separate accounting” at the request of clients; administrative and financial management and monitoring of projects financed by the European Social Fund and the European Commission (FP6-FP7 and Horizon 2020); on-going and ex-post accounting; management of consultants and relations with banks; provision of subsidies and training sessions for the presentation and management of accounting projects for beneficiaries and trainers. These activities also included relations with agencies responsible for administrative and financial audits including: Provincial and Regional Labour Inspectorate, Ernst & Young, KPMG.
She has carried out administrative and management consultancy activities for various Italian non-profit organizations for projects funded by institutions such as: European Union, World Bank, World Meteorological Organization, IOM, Ministry of Foreign Affairs, Ministry of Labour and Social Policy, Basilicata Regional Government, Lazio Regional Government, Province of Rome, Tuscany Regional Government.
Since 2016 she is the sole director of K&I srls. She is currently working for K&I on several projects for which she is particularly involved in administrative management and reporting activities.