Giovanni Caiati
Statistician and social researcher, Giovanni Caiati has been involved in sociological research for 15 years. He has skills both in the theoretical – methodological field, in applied research, in the research project-design, in interdisciplinary and trans-disciplinary dialogue. His research interests and work mainly focused on three areas:
- the social dynamics connected with the transition towards a climate neutral society, in different fields such as energy, mobility, water & sanitation, and management of natural disasters.
– on the issues of territorial development – with particular reference to the issue of territorial inequality, responsible research at the territorial level, territorial delineation and multi-scalar research;
– the relationship between science, technology and society on issues such as public engagement, Responsible Research and Innovation (RRI) and gender equality in science.
Caiati participated on behalf of various entities in eleven European research projects carried out under the EC DG Research 6th and 7th framework programmes and Horizon 2020, with Work Package leader role in five of them. During these activities, Caiati worked in multidisciplinary consortia, thus experiencing and coordinating scientific production processes conducted in close cooperation with economists, psychologists, political scientists, biologists, architects and engineers. Since 2020 he is principal investigator for Knowledge and Innovation of the ENTRANCES project, focused on the transition of the Coal and Carbon-intensive regions.
Outside of professional life, he has been active for many years in the field of education. He is interested in graphics and plays in various folk music groups.
His publications:
• Caiati, G., Quinti, G., & d’Andrea, L. (2019). Energy Transition, Anticipation and Change: A Study on the Anticipatory Experiences of the Low Carbon Society. In Anticipation, Agency and Complexity (pp. 121-136). Springer, Cham.
• Colizzi, V., Mezzana, D., Ovseiko, P. V., Caiati, G., Colonnello, C., Declich, A., … & Montesano, C. (2019). Structural Transformation to Attain Responsible BIOSciences (STARBIOS2): protocol for a Horizon 2020 funded European multicenter project to promote responsible research and innovation. JMIR research protocols, 8(3), e11745.
• Caiati, G., & Declich, A. (2016). The social nature of materials. A brief overview and two case studies concerning the Energy transition context. Matériaux & Techniques, 104(6-7), 603
• Quinti G., Caiati G., Gruenig M., O’Donnel B., Amerighi O., Baldissara B. and Felici B., (2016), “European Distributed Renewable Energy Case Studies”, in Lombardi P., Gruning M., Low-carbon Energy Security from a European Perspective, Elsevier AP
• Caiati, G., d’Andrea, L., Zeiss, R. (2016), “BESSE: Knowledge brokerage and innovation for a sustainable sanitation” in Martinuzzi A., Sedlacko M., Knowledge Brokerage for Sustainable Development, Greenleaf Publishing.
• Tacconelli, E., Poljak, M, Cacace, M, et al. (2012), Science without meritocracy. Discrimination among European specialists in infectious diseases and clinical microbiology: a questionnaire survey. BMJ Open
• Bijker, W.E., Caiati, G., d’Andrea, L. (2012), Knowledge Brokerage for Environmentally Sustainable Sanitation. Position Paper and Guidelines from the EU-FP7 BESSE project, Maastricht University
• Caiati, G., d’Andrea, L., Montefalcone, M. (2010), Societal Dynamic of Energy Transition, Pathways for carbon transitions (PACT) Project, LSC
• Caiati, G., Cancedda, A., Colonnello, C. (2008), Linee guida per la promozione delle pari opportunità in ambito politico e sindacale, in the framework of the project “Donne e Politica”