Livia Ermini
Livia Ermini has been carrying out activities in the field of sociological research and social sciences for over thirty years, mainly working in management and supervision of complex programs and research projects funded by the European Commission (FP6, FP7 and Horizon 2020), United Nations, World Bank, several Italian public administrations such as the Ministry of Foreign Affairs, Ministry of Labor and Social Policies, Basilicata Regional Government, Lazio Regional Government, Puglia Regional Government, Tuscany Regional Government and other public and private bodies, national and international.
In the past years, she has held management positions for several non-profit organizations, learning some specific skills, and carrying out activities such as: the preparation and control of budgets for projects in promotion; management control; monitoring and checking of contractual obligations; administrative-contractual management; in-itinere and ex-post administrative reporting; coordination and management of technical and organizational resources; planning of financial resources.
Since the early 1990s she partecipated in basic research activities promoted by the Institute of Advanced Studies of Rocca di Papa and subsequently by the School of Sociology and Human Sciences, where she followed a course of training, specialization and professionalization in management of research, training and technical assistance programs.
From 1993 to 1995 she was executive director of Stesam, a post-graduate training institute in Bari (Puglia Region), being responsible for its organizational and financial management and for the monitoring of the quality of didactic activities. In the following years, she was executive director for several projects and training courses involving fund raising, participatory quality assessment in health services, foreign trade, new womens’s entrepreneurship, international cooperation.
She has also participated at the implementation of numerous public initiatives promoted by the Aldo Moro Academy of Historical Studies, mainly dealing with organizational and logistical aspects.
Finally, she collaborated with several research and training institutions for which she was involved in the preparation of congresses, conferences and seminars, both in Italy and abroad, and in the publication of some books, manuals, conference proceedings and magazines, for what concerns the editorial and graphic aspects.
She is currently working on several projects for K&I, where she is particularly involved in the management and communication aspects.