Luciano d’Andrea
Luciano d’Andrea has been engaged for over fourty years in the domain of sociological research. Such activities were initially concentrated on issues related to development processes. At a later time, they enlarged their scope up to cover a wide array of phenomena – such as international migration, poverty and social exclusion, urbanization or gender inequality – that are connected with each other for their strong societal relevance and their link with globalization dynamics.
Over the last decade, his research interests have mainly focused on science-society relationships, understood as a privileged observation field to analyze the pervasive and profound transformation processes affecting contemporary societies as a whole, especially in projects funded by the European Commission Directorate General for Research and Innovation. This activity has been intertwined over time with the theoretical research carried out in the framework of the School of Sociology and Human Sciences.
Luciano d’Andrea has carried out research projects, consulting activities, training programmes and project evaluation exercises on behalf of several organizations including the European Commission, the European Parliament, the European Social Fund, the European Foundation for the Improvement of Living and Working Conditions, the International Labour Organization (ILO), the Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations (FAO), the United Nations Development Programme (UNDP), the United Nations Centre for Human Settlements (HABITAT), the World Bank, as well as various Italian public institutions (such as the Ministry of Health, the Ministry of Interior and the Ministry of Foreign Affairs).
Among his publications, the following can be mentioned:
• d’Andrea L., Declich A. (2021), Italy, science and Covid-19. In Jan Nederveen Pieterse, Haeran Lim, & Habibul Khondker, (Eds), Crisis Reveals: Covid-19 and Institutions, Routledge Rask, M., Mačiukaitė-Žvinienė, S., Tauginienė, L., Dikčius, V., Matschoss, K., Aarrevaara, T., & d’Andrea, L. (2018). Public participation, science and society: Tools for dynamic and responsible governance of research and innovation (p. 152). Taylor & Francis.
• d’Andrea, L., Declich A. (2014), “Materials, Technology and Society: contributions from a sociological perspective”, Materiaux & Techniques, 102, 507
• d’Andrea, L., Bijker, W.E. (2009), “Handbook on the socialisation of scientific and technological research”, SS-ERC Project, European Commission DG Research
• d’Andrea, L. (2009), “A different interpretation of science-society relations: the socialization of scientific and technological research”, JCOM 08(03) (2009) C02
• d’Andrea, L. (2006), “Introduction”, in “International Labour Office, Social Protection and Inclusion: Experiences and policy issues”, Geneva, ILO
• d’Andrea, L., Declich, A. (2005), “The sociological nature of science communication”, JCOM, 04(02)
• d’Andrea, L., Quaranta, G., Quinti G. (2000), “Il ritorno della città. La base umana della globalizzazione”, Roma, Officina Edizioni
• Cacace M., d’Andrea, L. (1995), “Fathers in services for young children. Handbook of good practices in sharing responsibilities between men and women”, Rome, Centro di Cooperazione Familiare
• Schteingart, M., & d’Andrea, L. (Eds) (2001) Servicios urbanos, gestión local y medio ambiente. Colegio de Mexico.