On 29th of November 2021, the CHERRIES Evaluation Committee selected the four “mirror” Regions that will replicate the experimented methodology of the CHERRIES demand-driven innovation methodology with their own resources and the support of the CHERRIES consortium....
On November 4th and 5th 2021, the 3rd General Assembly of the CHERRIES project was held in Nikosia (Republic of Cyprus) hosted by the local partner Cyric. During the GA, a discussion session on the progresses from the three territorial experimentations and on the main...
On 5th Novembre 2021 Claudia Colonnello (K&I) visited the Aretaeio Hospital in Nikosia and attended a meeting with the CEO of the Hospital (Michalis Papadopoulos) and the Aretaeio’s team in CHERRIES (Stelios Yiallouros and Katerina Georgiou). The meeting was...
During the second day of the GA, on 5th November 2021, a workshop was arranged by K&I (in the context of the WP6), in agreement with territorial teams, aimed at triggering the process of co-design of the “ex-post” evaluation on-site visits on the 3 local pilots....
During the second year of activity the CHERRIES project has released a new webinar series focusing on shaping responsible healthcare ecosystems in Europe. This series contains three webinars, each highlighting the ongoing regional RRI/Demand-driven Innovation...
In the case of Örebro, a 2nd Call for solution was launched at a later time (September 2021), related to the same territorial challenge on “Breaking and Preventing Involuntary loneliness among elderly”. This was possible because only a part of the funds available from...