The third GRACE Mutual Learning Workshop

On May 20 and 21 2021, the Third Mutual Learning Workshop involving all the partners of the GRACE project took place online under the coordination of K&I. The workshop was focused on the sustainability of the RRI-oriented actions after the end of the project and...

Upcoming GE Academy training sessions

Four new training initiatives online are planned under GE Academy in May and June. A training session titled “An introduction to the Gender Equality Audit and Monitoring (GEAM) Tool” will be held on May 11 from 10:00 to 12:15 CET. Its aim is presenting an open-access...

SMARTEES session at the BEHAVE 2020-2021 Conference

The BEHAVE 2020-2021 Conference took place online during 21-23 April 2021. BEHAVE 2020-2021 was the 6th version of the biannual event that focuses on applying behavioural insights in energy efficiency. During this Conference (on April 23rd in the morning) a Special...

Second Policy scenario development workshop

On 13 April 2021, in the framework of the SMARTEES project, the second policy scenario workshop, organised by RUG, ICLEI and K&I, took place. The workshop was addressed to local stakeholders from the cities of not only Groningen and Zurich (as in the first...

The STEP CHANGE Project started up

The Kick-off Meeting of the STEP CHANGE Project has been held online on March 15th and 16th, 2021. The first day, after some introductory words by Klavdija Kutnar, Rector of the University of Primorska (the institution leading the project), Yiannis Vacondios, Project...

MINDtheGEPs in the starting blocks

The kick-off meeting of MINDtheGEPs project was held online from 4 to 5 March 2021. During the first day, after a welcome address by the rector of Turin University (project leader and host of the meeting), a session on Gender Transformations in the Academy: Using...