EVIDENCE2e-Codex Linking EVIDENCE into e-CODEX for EIO and MLA procedures in Europe (EVIDENCE2e-CODEX)

Project funded by the European Union’s Justice Programme (2014-2020)
Grant Agreement: 766468
Duration: 21 months
Start date: 15/02/2018
The project official website

This project, led by the Italian National Research Centre – Institute of Legal Information Theory and Techniques (CNR- ITTIG), is a fruit of the success of two prior projects that were co-funded by the EU: e-CODEX and Evidence.

The EVIDENCE2eCodex project aims to facilitate and encourage international cooperation in the criminal sector between the involved Member State authorities, by improving the conditions for a secure and fast exchange of electronic evidences in the European Union. The project will try to cross-fertilise stakeholders and infrastructure by making them ready to implement changes in handling electronic evidences and in exchanging them electronically.

The goal is to share with both legal and IT practitioners the availability of working instruments for digital cooperation in those European Investigation Order (EIO) cases that include digital evidence by:
• creating a legally valid instrument to exchange digital evidences related to Mutual Legal Assistance (MLA) and EIO procedures through e-CODEX;
• providing the legal and IT communities involved with ‘ready to use’ information on EIO, digital evidence and e-CODEX;
• developing a ‘true to life’ example of how electronic evidences can be shared through e-CODEX in a secure and standardised way to support MLA and EIO cases;
• developing first a theoretical approach for ‘large file handling’, if possible followed by a specification for practical implementation, as digital evidence could come in ‘large size’;
• producing an action plan and guidelines for EU-wide implementation of the ‘true to life’ example.
The project is carried out by a Consortium of 18 organisations from 10 countries.

K&I is specially engaged in the project activities aimed at identifying and mapping the stakeholders to be involved in public activities and meetings of EVIDENCE2e-CODEX.


A conference on cross-border digital cooperation in the field of criminal justice was held in Brussels on 21-22 January 2020. It was a joint initiative of three European projects: Evidence2e-CODEX (of which K&I was a partner and which concluded its activities with this conference), EXEC and e-Evidence Project. During the conference, attended by 118 experts from 68 European and non-European organizations, including Daniele Mezzana from K&I, topics such as were discussed: digital cooperation best practices in the field of criminal justice; Law Enforcement Agencies’ data exchange; legal aspects related to the exchange of electronic evidence; the relationship between the private ...
An Interim Consortium Meeting of the EVIDENCE2e-CODEX (E2E) project took place in Florence on July 3, 2019. The initiative was hosted by the Institute of Legal Informatics and Judicial Systems of National Research Council (project coordinator). The objective of the meeting was taking stock of the project activities, overall aimed at allowing the secure and trusted exchange of digital evidence among EU Member States, in the European Investigation Order and Mutual Legal Assistance context. Daniele Mezzana attended the meeting on behalf of Knowledge & Innovation (K&I), in the framework of INTERPOL-led Work Package 4, focused on Stakeholders’ involvement. The day ...
On 26 and 27 March 2019, the workshop “Meeting the Technical Community: Validation of the standard package application evidence” was held at The Hague, organized as part of the Evidence2e-CODEX project. The workshop, attended by Daniele Mezzana for K&I, focused on the application “Evidence Exchange Standard Package (EESP)” and the various technical issues related to the exchange of electronic evidence at European level ...
An Interim Consortium Meeting of “EVIDENCE2e-CODEX” was held in Vienna on 29 January 2019. During the meeting a review of the state of the art of the project activities was carried out. Daniele Mezzana, on behalf of K&I, presented the work done to map the stakeholders to be involved in the next project public meetings, in coordination with INTERPOL and CNR-IGTTIG ...
A workshop on “Stakeholder Engagement with the Legal Community” took place in Brussels on 15 January 2019, as part of the Evidence2e-CODEX project. The workshop, attended by Daniele Mezzana for K&I, focused on the results of the survey on legal issues related to the exchange of electronic evidence in Europe, and on a series of panel discussion between judges and prosecutors, defense lawyers, providers and Law Enforcement Agencies ...
An Interim Consortium Meeting of the EVIDENCE2e-CODEX project took place in Vienna on 28 June 2018. The theme of the meeting was the status quo of the project. The initiative was hosted by the Austrian Federal Ministry of Constitutional Affairs, Reforms, Deregulation and Justice. Daniele Mezzana, on behalf of Knowledge and Innovation (K & I), presented the ongoing activities for identifying the stakeholders to be involved in the project activities ...
On March 7-8, 2018 the kick-off meeting of the EVIDENCE2e-Codex project took place in Florence. The meeting was held at the CNR-ITTIG headquarters (the coordinating organisation of the project), and was chaired by the coordinator Mariangela Biasiotti, with the participation of the representatives of 18 partners from 10 countries. The EVIDENCE2eCodex project aims to facilitate and encourage international cooperation in the criminal sector between the involved Member State authorities, by improving the conditions for a secure and fast exchange of electronic evidences in the European Union. During the Florence meeting, the objectives of the project were presented and the activities ...