Advancing the zero-tolerance approach to gender-based violence in higher education and research in the European Research Area (GenderSAFE)

Project funded by the Europen Union’s Horizon 2020 Research and Innovation Programme
Grant Agreement n. 101130898
Duration: 36 months
Start date: 01/03/2024
Official website

Gender-based violence is a persistent problem in higher education and research institutions across the European Research Area, with serious consequences at individual, institutional and societal levels.

GenderSAFE aims to support all efforts to develop and disseminate a zero-tolerance approach to gender-based violence in higher education and research, thereby contributing to the creation of safe, inclusive and respectful environments.

To achieve this overall objective, GenderSAFE has adopted a strategy that combines different strands of action, including the implementation of training activities to build the institutional capacity of research organisations, the establishment of a community of practice to facilitate mutual learning, exchange and co-design of policies and tools, the establishment of a monitoring system and the implementation of a data collection to create a knowledge base on the uptake and content of zero tolerance policies.

The project consortium consists of 6 partners led by the European Science Foundation.


GenderSAFE is establishing a Community of Practice (CoP) open to all those involved in addressing gender-based violence in higher education ...