PROmoting integrity in the use of RESearch results (PRO-RES)
Project funded by the European Union’s Horizon 2020 Research and Innovation Programme
Grant Agreement: 788352
Duration: 36 months
Start date: 01/05/2018
The project official website
To effectively use research, policymakers must rely on the validity and reliability of its results. Currently, however, the existing means of ensuring ethical research practices and maintaining integrity across the full range of non-medical sciences are inadequate. Researchers, auditors, regulators and policy makers are confronted with different and sometimes conflicting codes of ethical practices and regulations, with the complexities of data protection legislation, with inconsistencies in the application of regulations and with professional and practical pressures to conduct research in full range of non-medical fields.
The PRO-RES project will address these constraints by offering a comprehensive, flexible and lasting guidance framework covering the spectrum of non-medical sciences and offering practical solutions to all stakeholders who will respect the highest standards of research ethics and integrity. This framework will take into account previous examples of good work and good practice, and will try to provide a set of pragmatic solutions based on previous work and creating strong links with ongoing projects.
PRO-RES is carried out by a heterogeneous consortium of 14 partners from 10 countries. Knowledge & Innovation will collaborate at all stages of the process and will be particularly involved in consulting stakeholders interested to define an ethical guiding framework for research, and ensuring that such framework incorporates the principles and practices of RRI (responsible research and innovation), especially , especially regarding the governance of RRI Constellations of actors. A report on the RRI implications of the framework will be produced.