Responsible research and Innovation Policy Experimentations for Energy Transition (RIPEET)

Project funded by the European Union’s Horizon 2020 Research and Innovation Programme
Grant Agreement: 101006295
Duration: 36 months
Start date: 01/02/2021
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RIPEET is one of the projects funded by Horizon 2020 on territorial Responsible Research and Innovation (RRI). RIPEET project will support RRI policy experimentations for energy transition at territorial level, in the framework of the European Green Deal. RIPEET will secure the achievement of the following three objectives:

  1. Conducting transformative R&I policy experiments aiming to identify niches and to co-create sustainable energy transition pathways with territorial quintuple helix stakeholders (government, scientific research, SME, civil society and environment) which results in more open, transparent and democratic territorial R&I systems.
  2. Establishing novel, self-sustaining, and transparent governance relations within territorial energy R&I eco-systems
  3. Promoting transformation process within of the territorial organisations involved, through the creation of innovative R&I working methods and promoting greater sustainability and inclusiveness.

RIPEET project will support RRI policy experimentations for energy transition in three European territories – Extremadura (ES), Highlands and Islands of Scotland (UK) and Ostrobothnia (FI). Specific energy policy niches of needs will be identified (call for needs) to be addressed through innovative solutions selected among proposals solicited from all the actors in the territorial areas (call for solutions).

The experimentations’ methodology builds on Transition Labs, i.e. user-centered, inclusive, anticipatory and open innovation-oriented experimental spaces, based on a systematic co-creation approach, able to developing public services and commercial solutions and integrating RRI-based research and processes of innovation in communities and in the concrete life dimension at the local level.

Knowledge and Innovation is responsible for all monitoring and evaluation activities. Furthermore, it will deal with the implementation of RRI at the territorial level in relation to energy potentials and priorities.

The consortium consists of 11 partners, including some key players in R&I systems at the territorial level, such as business actors in the energy community and public administrations, as well as research organizations specialised in the approach of RRI and transitional management, from seven countries.


In the frame of the project RIPEET, the European Regions Research and Innovation Network (ERRIN) is building a community of passionate regional representatives committed to shaping the regional energy vision of the future. Six applicants will be selected to participate in a peer-learning scheme which follows the pilot-mirror approach. They will be working closely as “mirror ecosystems” with those engaged in the three “pilot ecosystems” based in Extremadura (Spain), Highlands and Islands of Scotland (United Kingdom), and Ostrobothnia (Finland). The objective is to adopt the system of methods developed, tested, and validated throughout the RIPEET project in order to reinforce ...
The first General Assembly (GA) of the RIPEET partners “in presence” (the previous ones were held remotely due to the Covid) was held in Brussels at the ERRIN HQ on February 12 and 13, 2022. The work of GA took place according to the four dimensions of the Responsible Research and Innovation (RRI): Reflexivity, Anticipation, Responsiveness, and Inclusiveness. First - the RIPEET partners reflected on the concerns and policies connected to the energy transition in the three regions of the RIPEET project (Extremadura / Spain, Outer Hebrides / Scotland, Ostrobothnia / Finland); as well as on the results of RIPEET ...
The kick-off meeting of RIPEET project was held online from 24 to 26 February 2021. The coordinator of the project Gorazd Weiss (ZSI) welcomed the representatives of the EC and REA and project partners and outlined the project aims and set-up. The meeting continued with short presentations of RIPEET partners and their teams. Then, Wolfgang Haider (ZSI) presented the project objectives, his structure, the expected impacts, the theoretical foundations as well as the policy relevance of the foreseen outputs. Later, Linden Farrar, Policy Officer from the EC gave a presentation about the policy context and the position of RIPEET in ...