Social innovation Modelling Approaches to Realizing Transition to Energy Efficiency and Sustainability (SMARTEES)

Project funded by the European Union’s Horizon 2020 Research and Innovation Programme
Grant Agreement: 763912
Duration: 36 months
Start date: 01/05/2018
The project official website
SMARTEES project is coordinated by the NTNU-Norvegian University of Science and Technology and it is carried out by a Consortium of 11 organisations from 10 countries. The project, which will run for 36 months, is aimed at improving the acceptance of the Energy Union by European citizens and to increase their responsiveness to socioeconomic incentives (in a perspective of an increased ownership, and prosumerism); and strengthening the inclusiveness and robustness of policymaking, thanks to empirically and theoretically grounded methodological tools to assess and adapt policy strategies.
SMARTEES addresses this need by adopting a multidisciplinary approach, through the integration of theories and methodologies of social innovation and agent-based socio-economic simulation in a comprehensive and flexible framework based on an empirical analysis of trans-European clusters of concrete cases of energy transition in 5 domains: holistic, shared and persistent mobility plan; renaissance based on renewable energy production; energy efficiency in district regeneration; urban mobility with super-blocks’; and fighting energy poverty through energy efficiency.
Each cluster is composed by a success case and few “followers” cases, enabling SMARTEES to study its replicability in different European contexts.
K&I is contributing to the whole project implementation. Moreover, it has the leadership of the WP3 “Clusters of case studies of social innovation”, aimed at understanding how social innovation works “in action” in each of the 5 clusters and at a superordinate level, providing information about phases, obstacles faced, facilitating factors, turning points etc.; and securing the constant involvement of the key innovation agents of each case study in the SMARTEES project to facilitate the co-construction of its findings and outputs.