Territorial Responsible Research and Innovation Trough the involvement of local R&I Actors (TeRRItoria)
Project funded by the European Union’s Horizon 2020 Research and Innovation Programme
Grant Agreement: 824565
Duration: 36 months
Start date: 1/02/2019
The project official website
This project, led by Fondation Européenne de la Science (ESF), aims to experiment with the adoption of Responsible Research and Innovation (RRI) approach in European regional and territorial R&I systems. TeRRItoria is based on the idea that RRI approaches, policies and practices, developed so far at the level of research institutions, may be adapted to that of regional and territorial governance. The project will connect RRI to the general strategy of Smart Specialisation of regions, under the assumption that increasing social responsibility in R&I systems may also foster the competitiveness of European territories.
Thus the project will contribute to developing what can be called “Territorial RRI” by developing a set of transformative experiments in 5 European selected territories. The project is carried out by a Consortium of 13 organisations from 8countries.
K&I is specially engaged in the project activities aimed at mapping governance innovation practices all over Europe and possibly beyond, providing new tools for increasing regional R&I systems capacity to be inclusive, anticipatory, reflexive and responsive.