Territorial Responsible Research and Innovation Trough the involvement of local R&I Actors (TeRRItoria)

Project funded by the European Union’s Horizon 2020 Research and Innovation Programme
Grant Agreement: 824565
Duration: 36 months
Start date: 1/02/2019
The project official website

This project, led by Fondation Européenne de la Science (ESF), aims to experiment with the adoption of Responsible Research and Innovation (RRI) approach in European regional and territorial R&I systems. TeRRItoria is based on the idea that RRI approaches, policies and practices, developed so far at the level of research institutions, may be adapted to that of regional and territorial governance. The project will connect RRI to the general strategy of Smart Specialisation of regions, under the assumption that increasing social responsibility in R&I systems may also foster the competitiveness of European territories.
Thus the project will contribute to developing what can be called “Territorial RRI” by developing a set of transformative experiments in 5 European selected territories. The project is carried out by a Consortium of 13 organisations from 8countries.
K&I is specially engaged in the project activities aimed at mapping governance innovation practices all over Europe and possibly beyond, providing new tools for increasing regional R&I systems capacity to be inclusive, anticipatory, reflexive and responsive.


"The future within reach of the territory. Responsible research and innovation as a model for territorial innovation", is the title of the event held online on 25 January 2022, at the end of the experimentation carried out in Emilia-Romagna, within the TeRRItoria project and coordinated by ART-ER. During the event, the results achieved by the experimentation were presented and discussed. This was focused on the inclusion of RRI in the Smart Specialisation Strategy 2021-2027 of the Region, on the participatory preparation of operational guidelines, on the definition of a call for proposals in the health sector and on the implementation ...
With three final webinars, the TeRRItoria project provided an opportunity to discuss the results of three years of experimentation and provide some theoretical and practical tools useful for the promotion of RRI in research and innovation ecosystems and in regional and local governance structures. The three webinars – held respectively on 18, 20 and 25 January 2022 – were dedicated to citizens’ involvement in regional development policies, institutional change for RRI and future perspectives. Daniele Mezzana (K&I) intervened in the webinar of 20 January on institutional change, with some contributions on the methodology of mapping actors and practices on the ...
The third appointment of #ResponsibleRegions Dialogues, carried out by EURADA in the framework of TeRRItoria project, will be held on January 21, 2021 and it will be focused on “The Nordland case in SeeRRI: an approach to co-creating regional planning strategy”. The issue will be illustrated by Nhien Nguyen – Associate Professor at the Norwegian University of Science and Technology and Senior Researcher at Nordland Research Institute. The dialogue will provide an occasion for reflection on co-creation of innovation policies issues on the basis of the experiences of SeeRRI project on environmental sustainability. Click here for registering ...
“How to include RRI in Regional Innovation Policies” was the issue of the second online appointment hold in the framework of #ResponsibleRegion Dialogues of TeRRItoria project on December 17, 2020. The main speaker was  Giulia Bubbolini, head of EU and Public-Funded Projects at CISE – Centre for Innovation and Economic Development, Agency of the Chamber of Commerce of Romagna, Italy – who illustrated her experience in improving regional public policies by implementing RRI among SMEs, through the Interreg projects ROSIE and MARIE. The presentation was commented by  Dimitri Corpakis, Friends of Smart Specialisation, and Ninetta Chaniotou, Senior Project Manager at Kainuu Regional council ...
TeRRItoria project, through its partner EURADA, is carrying out, starting from November 2020, the #ResponsibleRegions Dialogues, monthly virtual initiative with stakeholders and experts  on the possible contribution of Responsible Research and Innovation (RRI) to the definition and implementation of Smart Specialisation Strategy (S3). The main aim of the Dialogues are to promote common occasions for reflecting, sharing and mutual learning about on content and innovative experiences in this field among researchers, innovators, policy makers, local actors, civil society organisations, regional development agencies, for promoting regional development policies more inclusive and in line with needs and expectations of local communities.The first dialogue, titled ...
In spite of difficulties and problems tied with the Covid 19 pandemic, the five experiments on the implementation of territorial RRI of TeRRItoria project have already started their planned activities or identified and implemented alternative solutions and innovative approaches for citizen and stakeholder consultation and dialogue. The five experimentations are focused on: setting-up an Equal opportunity Plan for research and innovation activities for the Macedonia Region (Greece); the definition and implementation of permanent dialogue spaces among entreprises and innovation actors of Trøndelag Region with the NTNU University (Norway); the construction and activation in the North-Est of Region of Romania of ...
The Mid-Term Project Meeting of Territoria project was held on June 23, 2020, using an online platform. During the morning session, focused on the implemented activities of each Work Pakage, Daniele Mezzana (K&I Team leader) presented the activities carried out in the framework of WP3 “Mapping governance innovation practices in Europe and beyond”. The afternoon session was focused on the impacts on the project of the lockdown and in particular on the implementation of the co-design activities of the five experiments of territorial RRI, by the involvement of stakeholders ...
It is available online the second issue of the Territoria project Newsletter. This second issue is devoted to two questions:– The way by which the team involved in the experiments had reorganised their co-creation activities of the five experiments of territorial RRI due to the consequences of the COVID-19 pandemic– The presentation of tools (inventories and maps) for supporting the design activities of the experimentations, made in the framework of WP3, contained in three deliverables, shortly described in the newsletter. The three tools are: Inventory of bottom-up innovation governance practices (made by K&I); Inventory of RRI innovation governance practices (made ...
From December 2019 the first issue of the TeRRItoria newsletter is online. It contains information about the various activities carried out during its first 8-month implementation period: the project kick-off meeting; the ignition of the mapping process aimed at preparing the five transformative experiments on the implementation of the territorial RRI for the governance of territory process; the Workshop on Territorial RRI in Bologna of 27-29 November 2019. The newsletter is available here ...
In order to better design the five transformative experiments of TeRRItoria on the implementation of territorial RRI, two inventories have been set up in parallel.The first one is the Inventory of the bottom-up governance innovation practices of territory, prepared by the K&I team. This Inventory focuses on those governance innovations, promoted by different kinds of coalitions, that activate a process of “re-territorialisation”, i.e. they work for reversing de-territorialisation trends and thus for fostering local development and social cohesion. The inventory was set up on the basis of the documentation available on-line and through a consultation of the actors who promoted ...
In the framework of the TeRRItoria project, the “Map of approaches, policies and tools for Territorial RRI” has been drafted by K&I (Italy), to be used for designing and implementing the five TeRRItoria Transformative Experiments. The Map is based on the analysis of two inventories drafted in the framework of the project, respectively focusing on bottom-up governance innovation practices and RRI governance innovation practices.The map is not intended to offer a comprehensive view of all possible measures useful for implementing territorial RRI programmes; rather, it aims to provide a set of guidelines, benchmarks and tools that can support TeRRItoria partners ...
On September 18-20 2019, representatives of the TeRRItoria Project participated in the SeeRRI (Building Self-Sustaining Research and Innovation Ecosystems in Europe though Responsible Research and Innovation – https://seerri.eu/) workshop, held in Bologna and organized by the Alma Mater Studiorum University. The Workshop convened all the EC-funded projects on RRI, territory management and environmental issues together. Daniele Mezzana, K&I team leader, made a short presentation about aims and activities of TEeRRItoria, with special reference to the ongoing mapping activities. The Workshop was also attended by Maresa Berliri, K&I, Kristian Mancinone, ART-ER, and Maria Michali, SEERC. During the event, MARIE and ROSIE ...
In the framework of the TeRRItoria project, a mapping process of the five ”territorial milieus” has been implemented between June and November 2019 in the areas where the five transformative experiments will be carried out from August 2020 onward. The experiments will take place in the Region of Central Macedonia (Greece); Region of Emilia- Romagna (Italy); Region of Trøndelag (Norway); Region of North-East (Romania); and Municipality of Gabrovo (Bulgaria). For each concerned area, information and documents have been collected on actors, policies, obstacles, facilitating factors and innovative practices which are relevant for conducting the experiments. K&I, in cooperation with ART-ER, ...
On the 27th and 28th of November 2019 a Workshop on “Territorial RRI” took place in Bologna, at the ART-ER headquarters, within the framework of the TeRRItoria project. On the basis of the results of the mapping activity (D.3.3 Map of Policies, Approaches and tools for Territorial RRI), conducted during the first 10 months of the project the Workshop was meant to launch a discussion on the definition of territorial RRI and its possible applications for the co-DESIGN of the five local experiments foreseen by the project. The workshop was structured in two parts: the first day was dedicated to ...
On February 27 and 28 the TeRRItoria Kick-off meeting was held in Strasbourg, at the headquarters of the European Science Foundation, project coordinator. Fabio Feudo and Daniele Mezzana intervened for K&I. The first day an overview of the project and its general theoretical and methodological contents were presented. Furthermore, the programs of the various work packages were illustrated, relating to the initial mapping (of experiences of governance innovation practices and of the “research & innovation ecosystems” in which the project will take place), to the co-design activity of the five “Transformative experiments” in the field of territorial RRI, and their ...